About me

Research Interests

I am currently an assistant professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente. My position is in the Stochastic Operations Research (SOR) group headed by prof.dr. Richard Boucherie.

My research can be split into three main categories, with the underlying commonality that they all concern some emergent phenomena. The most recent line of research is on algorithmic collusion between price learning algorithms and multi-agent learning in general. This is work done in collaboration with Arnoud den Boer (University of Amsterdam) and Wolfram Barfus (Tuebingen AI Center).

Another line of research is on synchronization on complex networks. Here, I investigate how community structure in the interaction network influences the dynamics of the noisy Kuramoto model. The most recent projects have focussed specifically on two-community networks. These already make the model significantly richer.

The final line of research is on the effect that the addition of stochastic resetting has on the large deviation probabilities of Markov processes. Stochastic resetting is a modification that can be added to Markov processes that restarts the process (from a fixed or random position) with some probability.


I’m currently supervising the following people:


  • Giuseppe Martucci
  • Leon Halgryn


  • Benjamin Meelhuijsen (University of Twente)
  • Charis Gonidaki (University of Twente)
  • Vedant Mainkar (University of Twente)

I have supervised the following people in the past:


  • Renske Janssen (University of Twente)

Master Thesis:

  • Olaf de Graaff (University of Amsterdam)
  • Martijn van Dortmont (University of Amsterdam)
  • Guido Moltman (University of Twente)
  • Stefan Achterhof (Leiden University)
  • Christiaan Anthonio (University of Amsterdam)